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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program, 3DS Price Drop and Dumb GBA Limitations

Good news for the early adopters of the 3DS. Nintndo is allowing you to receive 10 free NES games from the eShop, before they are available to the public, as a reward for buying the 3DS early, if you connect to the eShop before midnight on August 12th (that means you are late, unless you go back in time) you are automatically registered. Now, if you don't have a 3DS,now is the time to get it if you want it, because Nintendo is dropping it's price by 80 dollars to 170$, starting August 12th. The GBA game that were also announced, which are available only to ambassadors, which are most likely coming in early December, have dumb limitations, which include no restore points, no wireless features, such as StreetPass or Spot Pass, and no sleep mode. so, the system pretty much treats itself like an original GBA, but despite these limitations, they are exclusive to you, but you still have to pay for them.


  1. So, wait, you said we have to pay for the GBA games. Does that mean they are available to us anytime, but we still have to pay!? Assholes.

  2. Haha. The PSP 3000 is now $130, a lot cheaper than $170. The PSP can play PS1 games without limitations but we still have to pay. Oh yeah, the day the price drops is the day Thirty Minutes or Less comes out. Options on August 12th: Go to a potentially great movie or buying a 3DS. I really want to watch that movie and it's cheaper. Options on August 18th: buy me a present or buy me a present. Your choice.

  3. But, the 3DS is better than a PSP 3000.

  4. Also, Walmart dropped the price early, so you get a cheaper price AND free games.
