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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

You Are Minecraft!

As I'm sure many of you know, there's something very awesome happening. It's been going on for a while now, in fact. And yes, I did indeed participate in it. I'm talking about "You Are Minecraft", the absolutely gigantic Minecraft server in which you build a huge model of your skin to forever be basked in. And admired. And appreciated. And enjoyed. All of those things are happening to mine right now, I tell you.

If you want to enjoy some "You Are Minecraft" good times, simply go to youareminecraft.com to offer support (and maybe donate if you're a good person!), and connect to server.YouAreMinecraft.com in your Minecraft multiplayer menu to make your own avatar. Once you're in, just type /start in the chat and the game will give you your model building area.

Just thought I'd share a few screenies with you guys, while I'm here. There were quite a few awesome statues near where I built mine, and I felt quite inferior in comparison. I didn't get screenies of them all (as most were only half done but coming very close to being totally amazing), but anyways, here the shots I took of the ones that were actually done! (Remember, you can right click on a picture and select the "open in new tab" feature to view it's full size...)

This one is my Minecraft Avatar Statue, from an angle that's to the right.

      This is also my Minecraft Avatar Statue, next to my actual Minecraft Guy.

And this one's Portal, which was made by kajen1. This is totally badass.

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