Hating on us will get you baked. And then there will be cake.

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Null Review

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Early Look at Kid Icarus: Uprising AR Cards!

I recently placed a pre-order at EB Games for the upcoming 3DS game Kid Icarus: Uprising, and the person at the store gave me something extra for pre-ordering, that I wasn't actually supposed to get...

You see, those cards in the video I made below are supposed to be distributed to people who participate in Kid Icarus gameplay at GameStop and EB Games stores in early April, but I got them now, before the game has even been released, instead. So yeah, that's a good thing. :D

As mentioned above, this is a quick video about the cards that has been posted to YouTube! Enjoy the early look at these cards in their physical form!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Left 4 Dead 2

I just got Left 4 Dead 2 a week or so ago. I'm planning on beating the whole game in the March Break. The only thing standing between me and victory is my game crashing. It shall be my new nemesis, OS paged pool memory low or whatever you are called. The review may come in the near future but don't have your hopes up.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Whoah! We're on Bloglovin!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Whoah! So crazy!

We're now on Bloglovin! Basically, what that website does is start tracking our blog, put it onto the website, and allow you people (and other people) to follow it and track our statistics!

If you want to see for yourself, just click the link above!