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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Minecraft Traps

Materials: redstone wire,
8 dispensers,
1 pressure plate
and lot of arrows

First, place a pressure plate somewhere. Place dispensers, 2 blocks away from the pressure plate surrounding the pressure plate. Put a block one block up and one block left or right of all the dispensers. Now, put a dispenser on top of the other dispenser. Do this for all of the dispensers. You should have 8 dispensers facing the pressure plate. Wire all of the dispensers to the pressure plate. There are many ways to do this so I'll leave this to you. Load all of the dispensers with arrows. Whenever someone or something 2 block high steps on the pressure plate, BOOM. Face full of arrows. This works best on a hole; 1, the people can't escape the pressure plate. 2 it's not obvious.

I didn't put it in a hole because I didn't have enough time.

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