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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Goldeneye!? Isn't that old news?

Yes, it's Fiftybottles here, the guy who (I think) has only posted on the blog once before. Evidently, I'm not an avid blogger. I've already succeeded in abandoning my own personal blog after three posts back in the summer... BUT I'M NOT LETTING YOU DOWN. IMA GONNA STAY WIT DIS WUN. Anyways, yeah, the game I'm talking about was realeased back in November, but I feel as if I should at least give it a proper review....

Goldeneye 007 is an absolutely exceptional Wii FPS game. While many think that it's simply unable to compete with other console titles such as Call of Duty or Bad Company 2, I personally believe that it's right up there with the best. This isn't just a good wii first-person-shooter, this is just a downright good first-person-shooter.

The gameplay in Goldeneye has changed a lot since its orignal N64 release. It now has way more call of duty elememnts thrown into the mix here, and yet it still manages to retain an awesome arcadey feel to it. It has its own personality, and some of the great new COD formual tossed in there, making it what I like to call a "Bond of Duty" title. You'll engage in intense, all-out firefights and silently take out enemies by choking them, wringing their necks, or smashing their face into the computer screen in front of them. Both elements of the single player capmpaign work beautifully, however the stealth aspects really steal the show here. There are numerous ways to distract and take out your enemies, and the smart AI won't let you execute your plans easily, even if they do tend to be a tad predictable.

The graphics in Goldneye are simply astonishing.... for the Wii. Obviously, it just can't compare with the other big name titles out there, which are available on the much-more-superior-when-it-comes-to-graphics consoles. I wont call them next-gen, since technically the Wii is still from the current generation. Anyways, the game manages to push the Wii hardware to its limits, delivering some impressive special effects and lighting, as well as detailed models and environements. Certain textures leave something to be desired (such as the chains blocking some of the doors in the multiplayer version of the Nightclub map), and the circular shadows displayed beneath characters can disappoint, aside from otherwise awesome lighting effects.

Multiplayer in Goldeneye is awesome. The split-screen multiplayer is a blast, and the varied weapon loadouts ensure that all players are fighitng equally, and that no loudaout is more powerful than the other. The balancing is great, and this this one case, I'm actually glad that the split-screen doesn't feauture leveling up. It offers few game modes in split screen, however, and even though it has quite a few modifiers to screw around with, it's still pretty disappointing. Online, however, is a completely different story. It features a (quite deep) leveling up system, however I did find that it took far too long to level up after level seven. In Call of Duty, after clocking with only 4 hours of gameplay, I was already a level 23, however in Goldneye I was just barely making it to level 9. It can be frustrating at times, but overall, its still fun. The online offers quite a few varied ( and fun) gametypes, that add interesting spins onto the game modes we all know and love. Golden Gun is a great addition, and Black Box is a refreshing take on Capture the Flag.

All in all, Goldeneye is the best Wii shooter available, and one of the best shooters available right now; period. I definately recommend you pick it up, even if you have an Xbox or PS3 with Call of Duty.

Gameplay: 9
Presentation: 8.5
Multiplayer: 9
Replay Value: 9

Overall: 9

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