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Monday, February 21, 2011

Random Stuff + Game-A-Thon Possible Games

Okay, I just created a Twitter page for our blog. It is: @nullreview, like our other channels and what not. Just a side note, I will be posting a gameplay video to follow up the update that I did on Friday or Saturday (can't remember which). The last announcement that I have to make is that we are definitely going to be doing a game-a-thon, confirming at least one game for almost every system, (including PC and Virtual Console on the Wii/Emulators) which will be:


Mario Kart Wii
Mario Sports Mix

(Xbox 360)

Halo: Reach
(maybe) Kinect Adventures


Little Big Planet
Red Dead Redemption

(N64 Emulator)

Super Smash Bros.
Mario Kart 64

(SNES Emulator)

Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario RPG


Kirby Superstar Ultra
Dragon Quest IX

Possibly (3DS)

Mario Kart 3DS
Street Fighter 3D
Cave Story 3D

Starcraft II
Cave Story (Modded Version)

So that's it folks. Those are some of the games we might be playing. The 3DS all counts on when we do the game-a-thon.

~16 Bit


  1. What about Goldeneye 007? We HAFTA do that one! I JUST UNLOCKED INVISIBILTY MODE D:

  2. And Call Of Duty Black ops? and Minecraft? oh, and why use an Emulater when you can play a REAL N64? i'll bring mine.

  3. I'll probably get a Retro Duo system so we may not need to use the NES and SNES emulators

  4. This is not the exact list though we may add or drop things when the time comes

  5. I can bring my NEs if you guys want... i have bionic commando and mario bros./duck hunt cartridges, thats it.
