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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Playstation network

I finally got my e mail back from Playstation consumer support. I will get my account changed in 1 to 16 days. It is most likely to be 17 days. I don't think It will come in the days it says it will be here. As I said in one of my playstation network post, I've waited a long time. I actually got my e mail early, however it did take 3 days not 2 days. On days 2 and 3, I sent some e mails. I'll post them here for you to see. They make me feel bad for what I've done. I changed the email addresses with the word e mail. It might be confusing but it could entertain you.

It has been nearly 60 hours since I sent my first e mail. Why haven't you replied. I can sue you for false advertising. The reply was supposed to come in 24-48 hours. I am outraged at the fact that it has been almost three days and no answer has come. I simply wanted to change my father's account. I already informed you that his e mail is locked and I can't access it so I can't do the password reset. I wanted you, playstation support, to change the e mail address for the account to email. Please do so, or you might look forward to another lawsuit.

I must continue to ask for help that I probably never get. I must ask you to be fast with changing email's e mail to email. The free games you are giving out are of limited time. I hope you can hurry up and change the e mails. Once again the e mail I want to change is email to email and hurry about it since my first respond didn't come until three days had passed.

why has it taken you so long to respond to one e mail sent over about two days ago. Your services are getting slow. I simply want you to switch email to the following e mail email and please hurry. this is my fourth e mail and yet nothing has happened. Are you wanting me to have bad service from playstation? It seems like you do. How many e mails do I have to send to get your attention. I just want a small thing done so I can change my password. You, the playstation consumer support department is one of the worst there is. You are even worst than the security department which had been hacked. If you can't give me what I want in three days, it is very sad.

What do you think I am, a hacker. Seriously, the only things on that account are echochrome, castlevania dracula X ( I said so in my first e mail) and the littlebigplanet add-on of the sack time forgot. There is still about a $1 value inside that account but besides that, all of the products combined don't cost over $50. So, why aren't you responding. I gave you the time you claimed that you needed: 24-48 hours. After that, I continued to want and give you more time. Still the answer was same as before, no answer. What is the reason for not responding? Is it because I'm Canadian? Is playstation racist? I just want a simple task of having the e mail of email changed to email. Can't you handle that? Do you have the attention span to read all this? Are you just a big joke? This isn't consumer support, this is a machine that doesn't answer e mails. A monkey would have been better than you. Just do as I asked from my first three e mails.

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